4 Common Co-Occurring Disorders Accompanying Addiction

Mental health conditions can run hand-in-hand with drug and alcohol addiction. In a clinical setting, the terms co-occurring disorders or dual diagnosis describe a person who is struggling with substance use disorder and a mental health condition. 

It is estimated that 17.5 million Americans are struggling with a mental health disorder, and of those people, one in four are actively abusing substances or developed an addiction. Sadly, only half of those with co-occurring disorders actually receive treatment for their dual diagnosis. 

Research has shown that 34% of co-occurring disorder patients received mental health treatment without receiving addiction treatment. 2% received care for only an addiction. Meanwhile, only 12% actually received treatment that supported all their issues and disorders.

In other words, it can be a vicious cycle. Substance abuse is fueled by a mental health condition, or an underlying mental health condition is exacerbated by substance abuse. 

The most common mental health conditions seen with addiction are: 
  1. Depression
  2. Anxiety Disorders
  3. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  4. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

However, these are not the only mental health disorders that occur with addiction. Overall, comprehensive treatment has the best outcome for dual diagnosis patients with co-occurring disorders. Only treating one, and not the other creates a roundabout effect. A patient who receives mental health treatment but not addiction treatment continues to use, which aggravates their mental health condition. A patient who receives addiction treatment but not mental health, struggles to remain sober. Therefore, this person, without proper care, is also more likely to relapse due to the effects of their mental health condition.

At Harmony Recovery Group, we help patients recover from addiction and co-occurring disorders through evidence-based treatment in a warm and supportive environment. If you or a loved one are struggling with cooccurring disorders or addiction in general, please do not hesitate to contact our admission specialists at 844-746-8836. We are here to help and support you. 

Read more about the relationships between mental health and addiction.

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