Snorting Percocet

Snorting Percocet

Difference Between Crack and Cocaine – Despite popular belief, there is a significant difference between crack and cocaine. The two are separate drugs that are similar, but these terms are not interchangeable.

What Is Percocet?

Percocet tablets contain the active ingredients oxycodone and acetaminophen. Oxycodone is a potent opioid painkiller, and Percocet is often used for the treatment of moderate-moderately severe pain. There are other non-active ingredients also present in Percocet. These include the following:

  • Colloidal silicon dioxide
  • Croscarmellose sodium
  • Crospovidone
  • Microcrystalline cellulose
  • Pregelatinized cornstarch
  • Stearic acid

Moreover, when snorting Percocet, in addition to oxycodone and acetaminophen, people are also inhaling these chemicals into their nasal passage.

Effects and Side Effects of Snorting Percocet

Crushing and snorting Percocet causes a rapid release of oxycodone, increased absorption in the body, and high peak concentrations of oxycodone in the blood. When oxycodone passes through the blood-brain barrier, it works by binding to opioid receptors, which are proteins found on nerve cells. Once oxycodone is attached to these receptors, it begins to block the perception of pain.

It is also this same chemical reaction along with a massive boost in dopamine that induces feelings of euphoria, an effect that greatly contributes to Percocet’s high potential for abuse and addiction. When a person snorts Percocet, high feelings are intensified, and the user also faces an increased risk for severe medical consequences, such as addiction and death.

Taking Percocet as directed can result in side effects, such as dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, and sedation. Snorting Percocet has been associated with other, more severe symptoms. These include the following:

  • Abnormally slow heart rate
  • Slow, labored breathing
  • Cold, clammy skin
  • Muscular flaccidity
  • Lung damage
  • Liver and kidney damage
  • Brain damage
  • Respiratory depression
  • Stupor
  • Coma
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Death

Snorting drugs such as Percocet can also cause frequent nose bleeds, nasal congestion, severely dry mouth, and throat, and watery eyes.

Snorting Percocet Vs. Oral Administration

Opioids such as Percocet can be absorbed in the body through several routes. Doctors usually prescribe oral Percocet for safety reasons. Oxycodone has a somewhat high bioavailability (between 60-87% of an oral dose of oxycodone reaches the systemic circulation), and its effects last 3-6 hours.

The primary difference between ingesting Percocet orally and snorting Percocet is the onset of action. After oral administration of prescription dosages of oxycodone, an analgesic effect occurs within 15 minutes, and this effect peaks in around 30-60 minutes. Conversely, snorting Percocet rapidly generates high blood concentrations of Percocet, so pain relief and the corresponding euphoria are nearly immediate. Unfortunately, this fast and intense high also places users at risk for acute toxicity (overdose).

Snorting Percocet

Dangers of Snorting Percocet

Percocet contains oxycodone, which is a narcotic. The following are risks and dangers that have been associated with snorting oxycodone:

Risk of accident and injury – Percocet can impair a person’s ability to operate a car or other machinery. Snorting Percocet can rapidly dull the senses and decrease alertness, and therefore activities that require a quick response time should be avoided. Also, impaired coordination may result in injuries from falls.

Risk of addiction – One of the real dangers of snorting Percocet is the risk of addiction. Even when used as directed, Percocet can lead to physical and psychological dependence when taken for an extended period. Snorting Percocet for its high effect significantly increases the risk of addiction, as well.

Risk of damage to nasal passages – Snorting Percocet for a prolonged period can result in damage to the nasal cavity and difficulty swallowing. In extreme cases, nasal damage may be extensive and result in permanent injury and scarring.

Risk of disease – Sharing straws or other objects to inhale Percocet into the nose can lead to the contraction of blood-borne diseases such as hepatitis or bacterial infections.

Risk of overdose – Snorting Percocet puts one at risk of depressing the central nervous system to levels that result in respiratory arrest or heart failure and death.

Treatment for Percocet Addiction

People who abuse Percocet, particularly in conjunction with other drugs or alcohol, face a high risk of developing significant health problems or experiencing a life-threatening overdose. For this reason, these individuals are urged to seek professional addiction treatment to help them detox from Percocet and learn how to maintain long-term sobriety.

Recovery in Tune offers a comprehensive, evidence-based approach that features therapies, counseling, and other services scientifically proven to be effective and vital to the recovery process. We are dedicated to helping people free themselves from the grip of addiction by providing them with the resources, tools, and support they desperately need to prevent relapse and stay sober indefinitely.

Contact us today and discover how we can help you restore your health and well-being and reclaim the fulfilling and happy life you deserve!

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