Studies show that cognitive behavioral therapy can be very effective in overcoming addiction and mental health disorders. If you are dealing with either one of these issues, our Recovery in Tune team would like you to contact us.

We have many treatment services you can add to your recovery program. One of these treatments is cognitive behavioral therapy. There are many benefits you can reap when attending this type of therapy during your recovery.

Attending CBT When Overcoming Addiction

There are millions of people throughout the entire world that struggle with addiction. Many of those people also struggle with anxiety, PTSD, depression or other mental health issues. When someone has an addiction plus a mental health disorder, it is called a co-occurring disorder. It can be even more difficult to manage both these conditions than just one of them alone. However, when you lean on our Recovery in Tune team, you can get the treatments and help you need and deserve.

Our team has years of experience in treating addictions and mental health disorders. We have had many clients who have co-occurring disorders. Throughout the years, we have helped clients to understand why they struggle with these issues, what they need to do differently to overcome them and how  to live their best life in recovery.

Does this sound like something you need to do? If so, don’t wait any longer to reach out to us here at Recovery in Tune. We want to help you start in recovery. From the first day you contact us to the day you end your recovery program, our team will be by your side. When you leave our program, we can follow up with aftercare services, as well.

Benefits of Going to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Are you considering attending cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for your addiction or mental health disorder? If so, or even if you aren’t quite sure yet, we would like to share the benefits of this type of treatment with you. Some of these benefits include:

  • Improving general health
  • Reducing the risk of worsening mental health issues
  • Finding ways to cope with life’s difficulties, so you can prevent a relapse
  • Encouraging you to find ways to reach out to people, instead of holding everything inside
  • Defeating negative behaviors and thought patterns
  • Learning how to stick to the positive changes you will begin making
  • Making lists of tools and resources that can help you throughout your recovering lifestyle
  • Recognizing triggers
  • Understanding more about your addictive behaviors and where they came from
  • Learning to put yourself first
  • Making a list of your priorities and practicing put those before other tasks or activities
  • Giving yourself permission to be yourself and to take breaks (you don’t have to work all the time or be strong all the time)

There are numerous ways that cognitive behavioral therapy can help you. Whether you need to overcome an addictive lifestyle or manage mental health disorders, we are here for you. CBT can be a great tool to add to your recovery plan. When you use this treatment, along with others that we offer here at Recovery in Tune, you can be well on your way to living a substance-free, amazing life.

Do you want to know even more about cognitive behavioral therapy? If so, don’t wait another day to reach out to our team. With all the experience we have in treating addiction and mental health disorders, we feel confident that we can answer any questions you have about this treatment or any others that we offer. We know that CBT has helped millions of other people to work through issues related to addiction or mental health. We believe that this could be a huge stepping stone for you, as well.

Start CBT in an Addiction Treatment or Mental Health Program Today

You have more information about what cognitive behavioral therapy is and how it can help you to overcome addiction and mental health disorders. We know that everyone needs their own individualized treatment plan. The exact treatments that work for another person may not be the right fit for you or someone else in recovery. However, we would like you to know that we will work with you and support you throughout your recovery. We will keep checking in to see whether treatments are working for you or whether things need to change. If you want to go with cognitive behavioral therapy or any other treatments, we can get you going with those today.

Contact us, here at Recovery in Tune, to add cognitive behavioral therapy or other addiction or mental health disorder treatments to your recovery program today. We are looking forward to helping you move into the next stage of your life – one that is fun, exciting, healthy and most of all substance-free.

Most Insurance Accepted

We work with most major insurance carriers and offer a range of options to fit your lifestyle and financial means 

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